Chapter 11 The stem of Jesse (Christ) will judge in righteousness—The knowledge about God will cover the earth in the Millennium—The Lord will raise an ensign and gather Israel—Compare 2 Nephi 21. [Many of Isaiah’s prophecies have dual fulfillment. This is why the Lord told the Nephites and us today […]
Gospel Doctrine
Roses are Red Violets are blue Sugar is sweet, and so are you Why use poetry to remember? Because it is easier for the human brain to recall. For generations the Biblical oral tradition preserved the words of the Lord by placing them in a poetic format. In the […]
Hebrew Parallelism Made Simple
Question: Who are the characters in Isaiah Chapter 7:1? Answer: They are the kings of Syria, the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Ahaz was the King of Judah, Jotham was the father of Ahaz and former King of Judah, Uzziah was the father of Jotham […]
Isaiah 7-8-9-10
“And now I, Nephi, write more of the words of Isaiah, for my soul delighteth in his words (2 Nephi 11:2).” Nephi explains in devastating simplicity why most of us have difficulty in delighting in the words of Isaiah: “the words of Isaiah are not plain unto you, nevertheless they […]
How to Delight in the Words of Isaiah
Hebrew Meanings: Hosea = Deliverer Beeri = My Wells also the name of a Hittite Uzziah = “Jehovah is my Strength” Name of a king of Judah (c 800 BC) Jotham = “Jehovah is Perfect,” Name of a king of Judah (c740 BC) Ahaz = “Possessor,” Name of a king […]
Hosea: Return Unto the Lord and Be Forgiven
One of the greatest challenges that face members of the Church is overcoming feelings of spiritual inadequacy. This is understandable when we compare ourselves with the Savior. However spiritual growth to become like Christ is a lifelong endeavor that will continue beyond the grave. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught […]
Is There Hope For Me And My Loved Ones To ...
SPIRITUAL GIFTS Scriptural References Collected by John L. Lund Genesis 40:8 1. Interpretation of dreams Exodus 28:3 2. Filled with the spirit of wisdom Exodus 31:1-7 (2) Wisdom 3. Understanding 4. Knowledge 5. All manner of workmanship 6. Devise cunning works 7. Work in gold 8. Work in silver 9. […]
Spiritual Gifts
According to rabbinic tradition, Ecclesiastes was written by Solomon in his old age. The word “Ecclesiastes” passes from Hebrew to Greek and eventually to Latin and English as “Leader of an Assembly.” Martin Luther thought of Ecclesiastes as a “Preacher.” The author identifies himself as a son of David with […]
Ecclesiastes as Wisdom Literature
Proverbial Insights into Proverbs A Proverb is a short saying that is widely used to express an obvious truth. 1). Proverbs 1:7. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Also Proverbs 9:10 The word fear in Hebrew in this context means “reverence.”[1] The English word “fear” carries […]
Proverbial Insights into Proverbs
A phrase from the dedicatory prayer of the Kirtland Temple gives a great insight into the purpose of a Temple: “A house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God.” D&C 109:8. […]