It will be a GREAT DAY for those who are prepared, although not yet perfect, and a DREADFUL DAY for those who have procrastinated and chosen the things of the world over discipleship to Jesus. The Jews were expecting a single coming of the Messiah to deliver them from […]
Nothing is known of Daniel’s parentage, though he was undoubtedly of royal descent (Dan. 1:3)[1]; he was taken captive to Babylon around 605 BC and received the name of [Belteshazzar] (1:6–7). There are references to Daniel in [Ezek. 14:14, 20; 28:3; Heb. 11:33]. There are interesting points of similarity between […]
Daniel, God is my Judge
Isaiah uses the word “Judgment” 36 times and “Judgments” twice for a total of 38 uses. In Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary there are four different Hebrew words that have all been translated into “Judgment or Judgments.” They are 4941 [Mishpât] used 35 times, 1779 [Diyn/Duwn] = “JUSTICE” used once, 6415 […]
Isaiah’s Use of the Word “Judgment” in Hebrew
I a One of the greatest challenges that face members of the Church is overcoming feelings of spiritual inadequacy. This is understandable when we compare ourselves with the Savior. However spiritual growth to become like Christ is a lifelong endeavor that will continue beyond the grave. The Prophet Joseph […]
Is There Hope For Me or My Loved Ones to ...
According to rabbinic tradition, Ecclesiastes was written by Solomon in his old age. The word “Ecclesiastes” passes from Hebrew to Greek and eventually to Latin and English as “Leader of an Assembly.” Martin Luther thought of Ecclesiastes as a “Preacher.” The author identifies himself as a son of David with […]
Ecclesiastes as Wisdom Literature 2 Samuel 11: It is hard not to love David. Described as “Ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to” [1 Samuel 16:12]. Another translation reads, “Now he was ruddy, and had beautiful eyes, and was handsome.”[1] The New English Bible describes young David as, […]
David’s Agony and Ecstasy
Phases of the Moon New Moon = Crescent Facing Left Quarter Moon Waxing Gibbous Moon [Gibbous is Latin for “Hump.”] Full Moon Waning Gibbous Moon Third Quarter Moon Waning Crescent Moon A “Blue Moon” is the second Full Moon in the same month. May 18th, 2019 is the date for […]
Phases of the Moon and Other Lunatic Things
The scriptures and prophets are clear that coming to this earth was an assignment made by God in the premortal councils in Heaven. “And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, […]
Queen ESTHER and You: Born “For such a time as ...
There are numerous scriptural references to the casting of lots as a way to discern the will of God and decide everything from choosing an apostle (Acts 1:26) to deciding who should confront Laban and request the Plates of Brass as mentioned in the Book of Mormon (1 Nephi 3:11). […]
The Casting of Lots
There was a lot of pressure for Nephi to get ahead. There are a great number of people both in and out of the Church who have a hard time defending or justifying Nephi in the Book of Mormon decapitating Laban. (1 Nephi 4:18) The essence of the story […]